

Complete List of Mathematics Formula

Important Notes and Formulas


 Type  Definition
Natural numbers  All whole numbers except 0
eg: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Even numbers  0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
Odd numbers  1, 3, 5, 7, 9...
Integers  whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero
eg: -1, -2, -3, 1, 2, 3...
Prime number  a natural number which has only 2 different factors
eg: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...
Composite number  a natural number that has more than 2 different factors
eg: 4, 6, 8, 9...
Real number      Include rational and irrational numbers, fractions, and integers
Rational number  a number that can be expressed as a fraction or as a ratio
Irrational number      a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of 2 integers. 
eg: pi and roots


Test of Divisibility


 Divisible by
2  if the number is even
3  if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3
4  if the number formed by the last 2 digits is divisible by 4
5  if the last digit is 0 or 5
9  if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9
10  if the last digit is 0
11  if the difference between the sum of the digits in the odd places and the sum of the digits in the even places is equal to 0 or is a multiple of 11


Standard form

This is a convenient way to write very large or very small numbers, using the from a x 10n, where n is a positive or negative integer, and a s between 1 to 10 inclusive.

An example:

More examples:
123 400 written as standard form is 1.234 x 105
0.0000987 written as standard form is 9.87 x 10-5

Multiplying numbers in standard form

Dividing numbers in standard form

Adding and Subtracting numbers in standard form

- Make the index between the 2 numbers the same so that it is easier to factorise the numbers before adding


Scales and Maps

Given that a map has a scale of 1:10 000, this means that 1cm on the map represents 10,000cm on the actual ground.

1cm : 200m = 1cm : 0.2km = 1cm2 : 0.04km2


A. Direct Proportion

This means that when y increases, x increases, and vice versa.

Use this equation: y = kx

B. Indirect Proportion

This means that when y increases, x  decreases, and vice versa.

Use this equation: y=k/x

Percentage Change

Percentage Profit and Loss

Simple Interest and Compound Interest

A. Simple Interest Formula

B. Compound Interest Formula

C. Compound interest compounded MONTHLY

S = P(1 + r/k)n

S = final value 
P = principal
r = interest rate (expressed as decimal eg 4% = 0.04)
k = number of compounding periods 


  • if compounded monthly, number of periods = 12
  • if compounded quarterly, number of periods = 4


If $4000 is invested at an annual rate of 6.0% compounded monthly, what will be the final value of the investment after 10 years?

Since the interest is compounded monthly, there are 12 periods per year, so, k = 12.
Since the investment is for 10 years, or 120 months, there are 120 investment periods, so, n = 120.

S = P(1 + r/k)n

S = 4000(1 + 0.06/12)120
S = 4000(1.005)120
S = 4000(1.819396734)
S = $7277.59

Coordinate Geometry Formulas

From: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/coordinate-geometry-formulas.html

Algebraic Manipulation

 x = y+z y = x-z 
 x = y-z y = x+z 
 x = yz y = x/z ; z = x/y 
 x = y/z y = xz ; z = y/x 
 wx = yz w = yz/x ; x=yz/w ; y = wx/z ;        z = wx/y 
 x = y2 y = +/-sqrt.x 
 x = sqrt.y  y = x2
 x = y3  y = cuberoot.x
 x = cuberoot.y
y = x

ax + bx = x(a+b)

ax + bx + kay + kby = x(a+b) + ky(a+b) = (a+b)(x+ky)

(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

(a-b)= a2 - 2ab + b2
a2 - b2 = (a + b)(a - b)

Solving algebraic fractional equations

Avoid these common mistakes!


Solution of Quadratic Equations

Completing the Square

Step 1: Take the number or coefficient before x and square it
Step 2: Divide the square of the number by 4

Eg. y = x2 + 6x - 11

y = x2 + 2x(6/2) + (6/2)2 - 11 - (6/2)2

y = (x + 3)2 - 20

Sketching Graphs of Quadratic Equations

A. eg. y= +/-(x - h)2 + k

1. Identify shape of curve 

  • look at sign in front of(x - h) to determine if it is "smiley face" or "sad face".

2. Find turning point 

  • (h, -k)

3. Find y-intercept 

  • sub x = 0 into the equation --> (0, y)

4. Line of symmetry reflect

  • x = h, reflect to get (2x, y)

B. eg. y = +/-(x - a)(x - b)

1. Identify shape of curve 

  • look at the formula ax2 + bx + c.
  • if a>1, it is positive; otherwise, it is negative

2. Find turning point 

  • (a + b)/2, sub answer into equation --> (a,b)

3. Find y-intercept 

  • sub x = 0 into the equation --> (0, y)

4. Line of symmetry reflect

  • x = a, reflect to get (2a, y)


Ways to solve equalities: 

1. Add or subtract numbers from each side of the inequality
eg 10 - 3 < x - 3

2. Multiply or divide numbers from each side of the inequality by a constant
eg 10/3 < x/3

3. Multiply or divide by a negative number AND REVERSE THE INEQUALITY SIGNS
eg. 10 < x  becomes 10/-3 > x/-3


Geometrical terms and relationships

Parallel Lines

Perpendicular Lines

Right Angle

Acute Angles
: angles less than 90o

Obtuse Angles: angles between 90o and 190

Obtuse Angles: angles between 180o and 360o



Polygon: a closed figure made by joining line segments, where each line segment intersects exactly 2 others

Irregular polygon: all its sides and all its angles are not the same
Regular Polygon: all its sides and all its angles are the same

The sum of angles in a polygon with n sides, where n is 3 or more, is

Name of Polygons

 Number of sides      Polygon
 5  Pentagon
 6  Hexagon
 7  Heptagon
 8  Octagon
 9  Nonagon
 10  Decagon




 Triangle Property 
 Equilateral All sides of equal length
All angles are equal
Each angle is 60o
 Isoceles 2 sides are equal
2 corresponding angles are equal 
 Scalene     All sides are of unequal length 
 Acute All 3 angles in the triangle are acute angles 
 Obtuse 1 of the 3 angles is obtuse 
 Right-angled 1 of the 3 angles is 90o



 Quadrilateral Property 
 Rectangle     All sides meet at 90o 
 Square  All sides meet at 90o
All sides are of equal length
 Parallelogram 2 pairs of parallel lines 
 Rhombus All sides are of equal length
2 pairs of parallel lines 
 Trapezium Exactly 1 pair of parallel sides 


Similar Plane Figures

Figures are similar only if

  • their corresponding sides are proportional
  • their corresponding angles are equal


Similar Solid Figures

Solids are similar if their corresponding linear dimensions are proportional.


Congruent Figures

Congruent figures are exactly the same size and shape.

2 triangles are congruent if they satisfy any of the following:

a. SSS property: All 3 sides of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides of the other triangle.

b. SAS property: 2 given sides and a given angle of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and angle of the other triangle.

c. AAS property: 2 given angles and a given side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and side of the other triangle.

d. RHS property: The hypothenuse and a given side of a right-angled triangle are equal to the hypothenuse and the corresponding side of the other right-angled triangle.



A bearing is an angle, measured clockwise from the north direction.


 Shape     Number of lines of symmetry  
Order of rotational symmetry 
Centre of point symmetry 
 Equilateral triangle Yes 
 Isosceles triangle None 
 Square 4 Yes 
 Rectangle Yes 
 Kite None 
 Isosceles trapezium 1 None 
 Parallelogram Yes 
 Rhombus 2 Yes 
 Regular pentagon Yes 
 Regular hexagon Yes 

Angle properties

 No.  Property Explanation 
 1 Angles on a straight line
  •  Angles on a straight line add up to 180o
  • 2 angles are complementary is they add up to 90o
  • 2 angles are called supplementary if they add up to 180o
 2 Angles at a point Angles at a point add up to 360o  
 3 Vertically opposite angles Vertically opposite angles are equal  
 4 Angles formed by parallel lines Alternate interior angles are equal  
 5 Angles formed by parallel lines Alternate exterior angles are equal  
 6 Angles formed by parallel lines Corresponding angles are equal  
 7 Angle properties of triangles The sum of angles in a triangle adds up to 180o  
 8 Angle properties of triangles The sum of 2 interior opposite angles is equal to the exterior angle  
 9 Angle properties of polygons
  • sum of interior angles of an n-sided polygon = (n-2) x 180o
  • each interior angle of a regular n-sided polygon = (n-2) x 180o / n
 10 Angle properties of polygons
  • sum of exterior angles of an n-sided polygon is 360o
  • each exterior angle of a regular n-sided polygon = 360o / n

Angle Properties of Circles


All the mensuration formulas you'll ever need can by found here...

But here's a quick reference for the important ones...

Area of Figures

 A=b x h

Radian Measure

  • Radian is another common unit to measure angles.
  • A radian is a measure of the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle.
  • To convert radians to degrees and vice versa, use these formulas:
    • π rad = 180º
    • 1 rad = 180º/π
    • 1º = π/180 rad

Volume of Figures

 V = l x b x h
SA = 2bl + 2hb + 2hl 
 V = base area x height


Pythagora's theorem

Trigonometrical Ratio


To find an angle, can write as follows:


Area of Triangle




The mode is the most frequent value.


The median of a group of numbers is the number in the middle, when the numbers are in order of magnitude (in increasing order).

If you have n numbers in a group, the median in:

Types of Chart

1. Bar chart: the heights of the bars represent the frequency. The data is discrete.

2. Pie chart: the angles formed by each part adds up to 360o

3. Histogram: it is a vertical bar graph with no gaps between the bars. The area of each bar is proportional to the frequency it represents.
4. Stem-and-leaf diagram: a diagram that summarises while maintaining the individual data point. The stem is a column of the unique elements of data after removing the last digit. The final digits (leaves) of each column are then placed in a row next to the appropriate column and sorted in numerical order.

5. Simple frequency distribution and frequency polygons: a plot of the cumulative frequency against the upper class boundary with the points joined by line segments.

6. Quartiles


Probability is the likelihood of an event happening

  • The probability that a certain event happening is 1
  • The probability that a certain event cannot happen is 0
  • The probability that a certain event not happening is 1 minus he probability that it will happen

2 events are independent if the outcome of one of the events does not affect the outcome of another
2 events are dependent if the outcome of one of the events depends on the outcome of another

  • If 2 events A and B are independent of each other, then the probability of both A and B occurring is found by P(A) x P(B)
  • If it is impossible for both events A and B to occur, then the probability of A or B occurring is P(A) and P(B)

Set Notation